This notice contains the terms and legal conditions that govern the web site CHIRULLISHOP.COM.

By accessing the website CHIRULLISHOP.COM users agree to accept all the conditions contained in this statement.

CHIRULLISHOP.COM is right is reserved to require users who do not accept and abide by these terms, refrain from using the website CHIRULLISHOP.COM.
Access to the site and related services are intended solely for personal use.

Items for sale on the site CHIRULLISHOP.COM are destined to the final. For the final consumer means a natural person who is acting for purposes other than his trade, business or profession.
CHIRULLISHOP.COM is official dealer for all products and all trademarks on this site and ensures that they are genuine.

All orders are subject to verification availability and therefore the products found in your cart not intended to be booked and, therefore, can be purchased by other customers.
The receipt of the order by CHIRULLISHOP.COM determines the conclusion of the contract.

By placing an order the customer agrees to comply with all the provisions contained in these terms of sale.
Submit your order electronically, therefore, implies the full knowledge of the present condition.